Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fun and Exciting Week

We have learned so many new things this week. We started off our week by discussing the different purposes for maps and how some maps can be used for different things. The discussion led us to the differences between land and water on a globe or map. We made these fun maps ourselves and then wrote about the difference between land and water.
After this discussion we learned about other different forms of water that can be found on our planet like lakes, rivers, and oceans. We had so much fun acting out the difference between a lake and a river.

In Science, we had fun learning about the different states of matter. First we acted them out.
After acting them out we completed a tri-fold where the students had to model the different states of matter. 
In Math we dove into addition and role played using whiteboards and number cubes the proper way to write a number sentence. Those pictures are to come!

Tomorrow the class is excited because they are going to start friendly letter writing and a mailbox will be placed in the writing work station with different types of stationary. Again I will take these pictures once they have been introduced. 

As you can see we DO have a very active classroom! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Oh Symbaloo, I am so addicted to you!

So I went to a district Technology conference and actually led a class in technology in the primary classroom. I had been meaning to implement all of the fun things I knew but I guess needed to get re-energized after having my adorable baby. Needless to say I came home and had a mission! I am so proud of my new Symbaloo page. It takes a long time but so well worth it for my students.

Maps, maps, and more maps!

A few weeks ago we reviewed maps. We had so much fun creating our own little city. The kids really got into it because they created it! 

First, we made a list of everything we need in a city. This was completely student generated. I couldn't believe how many places they came up with! What a smart group I have.
Each student chose two things they would like to illustrate in our city. We had a movie theater, doctor's office, beach, and oh so many more. I even had to choose which places went on our map because we ran out of room. I guess I should have gotten a bigger piece of paper.

Next, we had to  design our city. I simply put down the roads and the students did the rest. We also had to name our city. We voted on the name School City.

Next I had my students give directions to someone who was pretending to visit our city. They did such a great job!

Hello World!

Hello all! I decided to start this blog to show off the fun things we are doing in our classroom! So come join us and have fun!